Friday, March 11, 2011

what was i thinking?

Most thoughts manifest regardless of their being positive or negative.therefore it's worth the effort to develop the habit of observing the thought stream governing our daily actiions and inactions.let's begin with asking our- selves the questions:
1.Are my thoughts my own or do they belong to my mother,father,spouse or boss?
2.Is my inner voice my own or does it belong to someone else?
3.Is my self talk supportive of me,my dreams and goals?
4.What are  some of the main beliefs that run my life?
5.What thoughts are constantly on my mind?
6.What images are attached to them?
Whatever we focus on will expand in that direction.persistant thoughts are powerful.
so,what if having done the above observation,we discover that most frequently it is fear or anger that shows up,expressing itself in feelings of inner discomfort and in outward manifestations such as  binging,pleasing,avoiding ,procrastinating or whining?
Any thought ,that we could label as just uncomfortable is a subtle form of fear or anger.So,what to do to combat the feelings created by  fearful or angry thoughts?
Here is a simple example of a guided self talk,that is easy to apply on a daily base,even in the most hectic daily shedule,if we just would bother enough to stop and spot for a moment.
We approach ourselves with quiet attention ,directed towards our recent feeling  and we ask:
1.Can you .please,turn up a little bit higher,so that i can really become better aware of you?
2.What are you exactly talking about?
  What is it that you want to tell me?
  What do you need from me?
3.Listen carefully.Give it attention instead of turning away from it and ignoring it.
   Thank it,for showing up.
The purpose of this exercise is to tell our subconscious that:
"I am not afraid of this information i just processed.It is just a sensation."
4.Then counter act,correct its statement,turn it around,verbally upgrade it,give it your arguments,so that you like its newly acquired content.
5.Notice how lightly you feel once you showed courage to face your thinking process and to adjust it so that it matches your desired outcome rather than your current state of reality.

Positive people focus mostly on what they want,how they can be better,what can be learned or gained from any situation in their current reality.
"What was i just thinking?" is the question that can become our radar for orientation.
To detect and acknowledge what it is that we are dealing with, in the present moment?
What is it that we are focused upon in the present moment.And change it,if we do not like it.
How we think can lead to outcomes that lie anywhere between bliss and devastation.
Which one would we like to  chose for ourselves?...

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