Monday, December 5, 2011

THE FOCUS WHEEL-A Technique for Emotional Allignment

When you realize that you are feeling negative emotion about something that is important and you want to find a way of feeling positive emotion instead, here is a simply technique, one of many, that you can learn to apply in your everyday activities.
The Focus Wheel Process:Example:Let's say that you are feeling fat.
Draw a large circle on a sheet of paper.Then draw a small circle,about 2 inches in diameter in the center of the large one.Sit back and look at the small circle and focus your eyes upon it.
At this point say to yoursef:"Well, I clearly know what I do not want.What is it that I do want?"
For example:
I feel fat and I want to feel slender.
I feel powerless and I want to feel my power.
Try to write statements around the outside edfe of the  inner circle that match what is it that you do want.These must be general statements that you already believe and that match your desire.You can tell by the way that you feel, if your statement sticks to your desire or throws you off the bushes so to speak.
Let's say you are preparing to write:"I feel good about my body."But you feel aggravation because you do not find this to be true.Then this statement is too specific.It is too early for you to believe this,it is like trying to jump on a train that is going too fast.What you want to do is slow the "wheel" down, slow the belief down.So that you can get on. So that you can believe your own statement. So, just by trial and error you continue picking up statements that feel good to you, that you believe in and that are allined with what you do want.
You might say something like:"I know my physical body responds to my thoughts."This is a softer statement.But if you steel feel a little mad at yourself, choose another one.So that you can stay on the wheel of feeling good.On the positive merry-go-around of your "issue".
As you write around that cirlce and focus upon it , it feels pretty good.And then you make another statement that feels good and another.For example:"This physical body has been good to me."You are beginning to feel alittle sense of relief.You are not quite so mad at yourself.As you find thoughts that feel good, continue adding them around the perimeter of the inner circle.Start at 12 o'clock and write down 12 statements around the clock positiion.
I know my physical body responds to my thoughts.
I will find something that works for me.
I don't have to do all of this today.
I will find a diet that works.
It will be fun to buy some new clothes.
My body will feel refreshed.
I will feel more vital.
New ideas will come to me. I already know some things that might help.
I like taking control of my own experience.
I am looking forward to making this change.
I like feeling good.
I like feeling good in my body.
I feel good in my body.
The Focus wheel is a tool to help you bridge a belief so that it matches  your desire.To identify the desire and then achieve a vibrational match with it.
Remember:Write phrases that are close enough to what you already belief so that the wheel does not throw you off in the bushes,so to speak,-)))

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Limiting beliefs:Unchain yourself!

our beliefs determine our thoughts,feelings and behaviour.and this determines our life.
what is a belief ?
it is the meaning we give to a life-event .events are neutral by nature.they are what they are.the way we interprete them though, in regard to the effect they have upon us, is what makes them significant and forms a belief about them.
beliefs can work for us  as well as they can work against us.

here is a list of some of the most common self sabotaging beleifs people carry in their minds:
1.I am not good enough.Mistakes are bad.
3.Change is difficult.
4.I am not important.
5.What makes me important is having people think good of me.
6.I am not competent.
7.If i fail I will be rejected.
8.I am stupid and unworthy.
9.I will never get what i want.
10.I am powerless.
11.People aren't interested in what i have to say.
12.What makes me good enough and important is doing things perfectly.

How did we form our beliefs?
How did the beliefs get into our heads?
How did neutral life events produce their  meaning for us?
when our physical body is born ,our mind  is like an unformed mass of clay.we look for a model,to interprete and copy .in the beginning,such a model appears to be our parents' behaviour.
As much as mam and dad love us,they are also critical because they think that 's a good way to teach us. 
on the other hand, mam and dad only know what they have been taught from their parents.
Sometimes,even if our parents are physically present ,are they also emotionally present for us?
with the demands of today's stressful society,is there a parent who is flawless?
And so,having our parents as a first example,we start sculpting the clay so to say.
Later on,school comes on board.
So,we put a little of "I am not good enough" ,some "mistakes and failures are bad' and we continue sculpting the negative believes and when the sculture is ready,we forget that we were the sculptors and live the rest of our life as if we are the piece of sculpture.
But Notice:
you are not your beliefs.
you are the creator of your beliefs.
you can uncreate as much and as well as you have created.
can you see that at first you were an interpreter of mam and dad's behaviour which means there had to be an interpreter before there was an interpretation.which means there had to be an "I",who originated the belief.
That "I" is who you really are.
Your beliefs are NOT who you really are.
What you created, is NOT, who you are.
The creator is who you are.
You are the beliefs 'creator  and NOT merely  the creation .
knowing this,do you realize that you can uncreate and create again and repeat this process over and over again?this is you free will .this is your choice making.
to clear limiting beliefs:
DISTINGUISH your "Self" as the Creator from the Creation you thought you were.
when you distinguish between your "Self" and any disturbing feeling s and thoughts that you may have,
it feels as if your Self is observing the creation and observing having upsetting thoughts and feelings.
they are still here.but ,in this state,they will NOT run you.
this is an exercise of changing your life at wil,getting into the "who am i really" space-the space of the observer,the space of the witness,the space of the real "Self."
Freeing your "Self" form all the beliefs you have formed about it ,unleashing your "Self" awareness and confidence,is very significant ,in order for you to be ,have or do anything and everything you want in life.
Transform and turn around the above mentioned statements of limitinf beliefs the very moment you detect them:
1.mistakes are necessary for growth.i am lovable and acceptabele just the way i am.i am growing.
2.i am improtant because i say so.there is at least one person that approves and loves me the way i am.ME.
3.people are free to form their own opinions.what matters to me is the way i see myself.i am free to be ME.
4.the only constant thing in life is change.i will take it one step at a time.everything always turns out to my advantage.i choose to see change as opportunity.
5.everything that i need to know reveals itself to one is completely competent because perfection is a dream,hope and i gain in experience, i gain in knowledge.
6.i repsect myself for everything that i am or not and for everything that i do or don' is all about the choices that i make. i can choose different.
7.i will never ever choose to give away my power.i have what it takes to be happy.i am "at cause" of the circumstances in my life,not "at effect".i take full responsibility and will do whatever it takes to become the person i want to be.
the list can grow know the know best what YOU and re-invent yourself.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Nothing gets blasted more in the self-improvement industry than 'Positive Thinking'. The cynical among us are quick to point out that just believing in something doesn't make it true, and even the most optimistic optimist will concede that they don't always take Positive Action based on their thinking.
Tapping is a simple but effective technique somewhere in between hypnosis, meditation, and acupressure. You can learn it in a matter of minutes and use it to apply instant relief to stressful situations in your life.
Tapping is the key to the Secret.The Secret is a revolutionary Self-Improvement DVD sweeping the planet, that explains how our thoughts create our reality. Tapping is a powerful acupressure technique that eliminates negativity. Using them together you can literally achieve anything you want.
Most people find immediate relief from applying Tapping to the most stressful feelings in their present situation. Continued application can then produce profound changes in your life.

                                                     the tapping points: is your portal to find out how others are using Tapping and share your experiences.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


We,human beings are ,in the core of our existence,energy,that is in a state of vibration.This new discovery of the quantum physics is already well known.Every thought  that we have,vibrates,radiates a signal and attracts a matching signal back.This is called the Law of Attraction.You can see it as a Universal Manager,who makes sure,that all thoughts that match each other,line up.
You understand this principle when you turn your radio on and deliberately tune your receiver to match a signal coming out of a broadcasting tower.You do not expect to hear music that is being broadcast on the radio frequency of 101FM to be received on your tuner when it is set up to 98.6 FM?

The key to bringing something into your experience that you desire is to achieve vibrational harmony with what you desire.And the easiest way to achieve this is to imagine that you already have it,to pretend that it is already into your existence.Flow your thoughts toward the enjoyment of this experience.As you practice doing this,you will bring yourself in a vibrational state,which by Law,will bring you experiences,that match that same vibration.

So,it is crucial to understand,that whatever  you give your attention to,causes you to emit vibrations.And the vibrations that you offer,draw to you the essence of what you are predominantly thinking about.

Your desires and your beliefs must be a vibrational match.
So,when you want something,you want to feel good about it.
You want to think:”Wouldn’t it be nice if,…”
You want to focus upon the power of feeling good now and experience it.
You want to carefully chose your thoughts,feelings and mental images and the way they make you feel.

You become more and more aware of how do you feel now,in this very moment.
Do you like it?

If you do,magnify,indulge into,proceed with those thoughts,

If not-undo,delete,cancel ,change and REPLACE them,on this very minute,now.

Decide,what is it that can make you feel good at the moment and go for it!

Friday, April 1, 2011

A training on mindset

 a mindset is like a compass,showing you in which direction you are headed,therefore i believe,preliminary choosing the directions of your thoughts and actions is  first priority and responsibility of the adult life.
There are several topics that your mind is usually playing with and that need your closest look and consideration.
1.Your past
there is this great saying of Stephen Covey:"Live out of your imagination,not your history."
most people are reliving their story day in and day out,going through painful experiences or failure over and over agian.You do not have to do that.If you are to create a new future,you have to suspend the disbelief:"Nothing really good will ever happen to me again."
there is this awesome training i have recently watched about the "Tim"-picture.
there exists a Tim-person  and his attitudes are to be recognized ,such as:
The Vic-Tim person
the victim persons blames anything and anyone,but doesn't look within himself.he is the victim,the poor one.
the world kind of likes victims,when you claim to be a victim of your past and complain about it you get attention.What a sweet reward.You get a pat on the back.Are you a Tim person?
would you agree that ,what a Tim person needs .is not a pat on the back but a kick in the but?
2.Your future
want to make sure to never have what you want? Then,plan doing it SOME day soon.Plan losing weight some day soon or quit smoking cigarettes or write that book.SOME day soon.Either do what you need to do or stop saying you will.this is a mind set.To replace "some day" with "i will never" or "i am.... NOW".It is more freeing.To detect where you are standing.What is your compass set upon and where is it going to lead you?
So ,you might ask,what shall i put my mind to work upon and to focus upon,generally speaking?
I am aware that a person's history and a person's future goal perspectives are highly intimate and private,and still ,what i would like to suggest ,when it comes to having the powerful mindset is:
Forgiveness like:Giving up the on the idea that the past could have been any different.
Gratitude like:Being grateful for your past,that made you who you are today.A person that is more self aware,wiser and determined.A person,that is reading this right now.Looking for a better version of oneself.Believing in the better version of oneself.Manifesting the better version of oneself.

Now is your time to strip away the excuses,to accept your former self and to allow the all powerful you to come into being.Set your mindset.Keep the

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The "Yes" - woman

love is the basic foundation of a relation that exist between a man and woman.yet,to keep this relationship successful one needs to reflect on its  various aspects and gain insights to the nature of its two participants.
women do want to date ,marry and be with a better version of themselves and be impressed by the qualities of their partner,but men don't.
when a man comes back from work he wants positive,soft,enthusiastic,supportive,happy energy .that's not what they get at work,not what they get from their guy-friends as want to feel good around the woman,to feel attractive and interesting for her.they want a "Yes"-woman.
A "Yes"-woman:
  • She puts her life partner first
  • She is easy going about the small stuff,like:"shall we go to a movie?"-"sure","shall we rather stay home tonight?"-and again she goes"sure".when the little stuff becomes a constant negotiation,this is what wears  men  down to the point that they say:"is it worth it?it is no fun."when there is no "NO",how delightful life is together with such a woman.again,imagine your life partner is that way with you...
  • She is a giver.she knows when to make a compromise/and it is time to make a compromise like almost constantly,-)))/but if he makes an inappropriate remark in front of her mother,or unsuccessful choice of restaurant for their Saturday night,or he forgets her birthday,...etcetera...she does not go mad,she forgives and she gives him a further chance to be her best choice of a man.and she remains his best fan.when a man is around a woman that is such a giver,it makes him want to give as well.a reasonable guy will say to himself:"I have never had it so good.what an idiot would i be to walk away from it."
  • She lets the man be himself,she does not police him for the things that he thinks.She makes no attempts to make him think the way that simply suits her better.
  • She puts his consistency and kindness above his wealth.his character above his charisma.
  • She focuses on the things that determine a healthy,long term relationship,like laughter,trust,generosity,value,compatibility.
And if he wants to go to a bachelor's party tonight rather than try her  home made dinner-she says:"Yes"
And if he wants to talk to attractive women while at the party with her-she says:"Yes"/she knows whom he loves/
And if he wants to keep nude pictures of his ex under the bed-she says:"Yes"/above all it is only pictures,-)))
And if he wants to go away with the guys rather than to a concert with her-she says:"Yes"/there is always going to be another opportunity/
And if he doesn't appreciate how great a "Yes" woman is with her emotional maturity and emotional generosity-that is when he loses.
The power of the "Yes"-woman lies in walking away from a relationship that doesn't give her what she needs.
May be not every man is evolved enough to appreciate a woman like that,but the one that is,will be highly interested to keep her and the,for us, women in love,is there a greater way to be effective than to be a "Yes"-woman to the man we adore?

Friday, March 11, 2011

what was i thinking?

Most thoughts manifest regardless of their being positive or negative.therefore it's worth the effort to develop the habit of observing the thought stream governing our daily actiions and inactions.let's begin with asking our- selves the questions:
1.Are my thoughts my own or do they belong to my mother,father,spouse or boss?
2.Is my inner voice my own or does it belong to someone else?
3.Is my self talk supportive of me,my dreams and goals?
4.What are  some of the main beliefs that run my life?
5.What thoughts are constantly on my mind?
6.What images are attached to them?
Whatever we focus on will expand in that direction.persistant thoughts are powerful.
so,what if having done the above observation,we discover that most frequently it is fear or anger that shows up,expressing itself in feelings of inner discomfort and in outward manifestations such as  binging,pleasing,avoiding ,procrastinating or whining?
Any thought ,that we could label as just uncomfortable is a subtle form of fear or anger.So,what to do to combat the feelings created by  fearful or angry thoughts?
Here is a simple example of a guided self talk,that is easy to apply on a daily base,even in the most hectic daily shedule,if we just would bother enough to stop and spot for a moment.
We approach ourselves with quiet attention ,directed towards our recent feeling  and we ask:
1.Can you .please,turn up a little bit higher,so that i can really become better aware of you?
2.What are you exactly talking about?
  What is it that you want to tell me?
  What do you need from me?
3.Listen carefully.Give it attention instead of turning away from it and ignoring it.
   Thank it,for showing up.
The purpose of this exercise is to tell our subconscious that:
"I am not afraid of this information i just processed.It is just a sensation."
4.Then counter act,correct its statement,turn it around,verbally upgrade it,give it your arguments,so that you like its newly acquired content.
5.Notice how lightly you feel once you showed courage to face your thinking process and to adjust it so that it matches your desired outcome rather than your current state of reality.

Positive people focus mostly on what they want,how they can be better,what can be learned or gained from any situation in their current reality.
"What was i just thinking?" is the question that can become our radar for orientation.
To detect and acknowledge what it is that we are dealing with, in the present moment?
What is it that we are focused upon in the present moment.And change it,if we do not like it.
How we think can lead to outcomes that lie anywhere between bliss and devastation.
Which one would we like to  chose for ourselves?...