The word is, it let's you be. do or have anything you choose.According to science there are certain laws that govern the Universe.There is the law of gravity-whatever goes up must come down.And there is Einstein's law of relativity-everything in the universe is made of energy.And there is 'string' theory-everything in the universe vibrates.But the mot powerful law is the Law of Attraction.Everything that happens in your life all comes down to attraction.You attract all the stuff that happens to you.Every last little thing.Awesome or awful.No matter.You attracted it.Conciously or not.You did.
See. your thoughts are a force of nature, like universal power.What you think about, you bring about.All the major religons all over the world are on board with this,including hinduism,judaism,christianity, buddhism and islam.The Law of Attraction says:"Like attracts like."That is the bottom line, the heart and soul of this universal law.
Thoughts become things.All the stuff that goes on in your life is all down to your thoughts.And whether you realize it or not ,you are always thinking.Watching TV, being on line, playing games,at work,at pleasure, you are always thinking.And it's these thoughts that are creating your future life.
Your current life is a perfect reflection of thoughts you have had in the past.It is like payback from way back.
What you think about right now will inevitably be attracted back to you as your life to come.
So, as Donald Trump cares to say:"If you are going to be thinking anyway,you may as well think big."
This is the Secret.