Thursday, January 12, 2012

So what exactly is the Secret?

"So,what is the deal with this so-called "Secret"?"-I hear you asking.
The word is, it let's you be. do or have anything you choose.According to science there are certain laws that govern the Universe.There is the law of gravity-whatever goes up must come down.And there is Einstein's law of  relativity-everything in the universe is made of energy.And there is 'string' theory-everything in the universe vibrates.But the mot powerful law is the Law of Attraction.Everything that happens in your life  all comes down to attraction.You attract all the stuff that happens to you.Every last little thing.Awesome or awful.No matter.You attracted it.Conciously or not.You did.

See. your thoughts are a force of nature, like  universal power.What you think about, you bring about.All the major religons all over the world are on board with this,including hinduism,judaism,christianity, buddhism and islam.The Law of Attraction says:"Like attracts like."That is the bottom line, the heart and soul of this universal law.

Thoughts become things.All the stuff that goes on in your life is all down to your thoughts.And whether you realize it or not ,you are always thinking.Watching TV, being on line, playing games,at work,at pleasure, you are always thinking.And it's these thoughts that are creating your future life.
Your current life is a perfect reflection  of thoughts you have had in the past.It is like payback from way back.

What you think about right now will inevitably be attracted back to you as your life to come.
So, as Donald Trump cares to say:"If you are going to be thinking anyway,you may as well think big."

This is the Secret.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Emotional Intelligence-The Truth about Emotions

Don't most of us operate as if what we feel comes first?You have a feeling about a person, you have a feeling about an event, you have a feeling,and because you have that feeling you think it is real.NO. It isn't.You created that feeling by your thought.And this is great.There lies the possibility about you.And this is wonderful,that means, you are not controlled, crippled and dominated by your emotions.You have the power and the choice to create them,by choosing your thoughts.
When you have a thought, a chemical is released in your brain.A coded chemical.That chemical creates an electrical response which carries that code.Which then  creates an emotioin.A feeling.
This is a mental mechanism and because it is turned on by a thought it can be turned off by a thought.
It all starts with the thought.How to contol?Let's start with making the differentiation:
Focusing upon emotion:                                                           
When you focus upon a feeling,                                        
you are obsessed.You are directing your                            
mental focus on that thing.Then that thing                            
expands.When you focus on a fear, f.e.,
this is how you feed that fear.Like worry, f.e.,
is an increased focus on a fear item.

 Facing an emotion:
When you face an emotion, this is different.this
means you admit it is there, you decide to deal
with it, to handle it, to tackle it.

So, then , it is a simple process after all:

!you have a thought .....a chemical is coded.........a chemical reaction is emotion is born!

So when an emotion overwhelms you, what will be then first thing to do?
Right.Go back and find out what was the thought that created it.We can not change emotions at once, but we can do that with  thoughts. And then, the end results, the emotional wellbeing gets transformed as well.This is what emotional intelligenve is all about.You would want to choose your thoughts carefully, if you don't want to suffer unnecessarily.Your thoughts-your choice.

Then you might say, but this emotion, this fear, or this worry feels so real!
Have you heard the expression:"My life was filled with terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened?"
well, this applies to emotions directly.Emotions are not events.They are a mental mechanism.And the control is in your hands. Use the manual!
Love ,peace and harmony!