When you realize that you are feeling negative emotion about something that is important and you want to find a way of feeling positive emotion instead, here is a simply technique, one of many, that you can learn to apply in your everyday activities.
The Focus Wheel Process:Example:Let's say that you are feeling fat.
Draw a large circle on a sheet of paper.Then draw a small circle,about 2 inches in diameter in the center of the large one.Sit back and look at the small circle and focus your eyes upon it.
At this point say to yoursef:"Well, I clearly know what I do not want.What is it that I do want?"
For example:
I feel fat and I want to feel slender.
I feel powerless and I want to feel my power.
Try to write statements around the outside edfe of the inner circle that match what is it that you do want.These must be general statements that you already believe and that match your desire.You can tell by the way that you feel, if your statement sticks to your desire or throws you off the bushes so to speak.
Let's say you are preparing to write:"I feel good about my body."But you feel aggravation because you do not find this to be true.Then this statement is too specific.It is too early for you to believe this,it is like trying to jump on a train that is going too fast.What you want to do is slow the "wheel" down, slow the belief down.So that you can get on. So that you can believe your own statement. So, just by trial and error you continue picking up statements that feel good to you, that you believe in and that are allined with what you do want.
You might say something like:"I know my physical body responds to my thoughts."This is a softer statement.But if you steel feel a little mad at yourself, choose another one.So that you can stay on the wheel of feeling good.On the positive merry-go-around of your "issue".
As you write around that cirlce and focus upon it , it feels pretty good.And then you make another statement that feels good and another.For example:"This physical body has been good to me."You are beginning to feel alittle sense of relief.You are not quite so mad at yourself.As you find thoughts that feel good, continue adding them around the perimeter of the inner circle.Start at 12 o'clock and write down 12 statements around the clock positiion.
I know my physical body responds to my thoughts.
I will find something that works for me.
I don't have to do all of this today.
I will find a diet that works.
It will be fun to buy some new clothes.
My body will feel refreshed.
I will feel more vital.
New ideas will come to me. I already know some things that might help.
I like taking control of my own experience.
I am looking forward to making this change.
I like feeling good.
I like feeling good in my body.
I feel good in my body.
The Focus wheel is a tool to help you bridge a belief so that it matches your desire.To identify the desire and then achieve a vibrational match with it.
Remember:Write phrases that are close enough to what you already belief so that the wheel does not throw you off in the bushes,so to speak,-)))www.yourwishyourcommand.us/krasimira/