our beliefs determine our thoughts,feelings and behaviour.and this determines our life.
what is a belief ?
it is the meaning we give to a life-event .events are neutral by nature.they are what they are.the way we interprete them though, in regard to the effect they have upon us, is what makes them significant and forms a belief about them.
beliefs can work for us as well as they can work against us.
here is a list of some of the most common self sabotaging beleifs people carry in their minds:
1.I am not good enough.Mistakes are bad.
3.Change is difficult.
4.I am not important.
5.What makes me important is having people think good of me.
6.I am not competent.
7.If i fail I will be rejected.
8.I am stupid and unworthy.
9.I will never get what i want.
10.I am powerless.
11.People aren't interested in what i have to say.
12.What makes me good enough and important is doing things perfectly.
How did we form our beliefs?
How did the beliefs get into our heads?
How did neutral life events produce their meaning for us?
when our physical body is born ,our mind is like an unformed mass of clay.we look for a model,to interprete and copy .in the beginning,such a model appears to be our parents' behaviour.
As much as mam and dad love us,they are also critical because they think that 's a good way to teach us.
on the other hand, mam and dad only know what they have been taught from their parents.
Sometimes,even if our parents are physically present ,are they also emotionally present for us?
with the demands of today's stressful society,is there a parent who is flawless?
And so,having our parents as a first example,we start sculpting the clay so to say.
Later on,school comes on board.
So,we put a little of "I am not good enough" ,some "mistakes and failures are bad' and we continue sculpting the negative believes and when the sculture is ready,we forget that we were the sculptors and live the rest of our life as if we are the piece of sculpture.
But Notice:
you are not your beliefs.
you are the creator of your beliefs.
you can uncreate as much and as well as you have created.
can you see that at first you were an interpreter of mam and dad's behaviour which means there had to be an interpreter before there was an interpretation.which means there had to be an "I",who originated the belief.
That "I" is who you really are.
Your beliefs are NOT who you really are.
What you created, is NOT, who you are.
The creator is who you are.
You are the beliefs 'creator and NOT merely the creation .
knowing this,do you realize that you can uncreate and create again and repeat this process over and over again?this is you free will .this is your choice making.
to clear limiting beliefs:
DISTINGUISH your "Self" as the Creator from the Creation you thought you were.
when you distinguish between your "Self" and any disturbing feeling s and thoughts that you may have,
it feels as if your Self is observing the creation and observing having upsetting thoughts and feelings.
they are still here.but ,in this state,they will NOT run you.
this is an exercise of changing your life at wil,getting into the "who am i really" space-the space of the observer,the space of the witness,the space of the real "Self."
Freeing your "Self" form all the beliefs you have formed about it ,unleashing your "Self" awareness and confidence,is very significant ,in order for you to be ,have or do anything and everything you want in life.
Transform and turn around the above mentioned statements of limitinf beliefs the very moment you detect them:
1.mistakes are necessary for growth.i am lovable and acceptabele just the way i am.i am growing.
2.i am improtant because i say so.there is at least one person that approves and loves me the way i am.ME.
3.people are free to form their own opinions.what matters to me is the way i see myself.i am free to be ME.
4.the only constant thing in life is change.i will take it one step at a time.everything always turns out to my advantage.i choose to see change as opportunity.
5.everything that i need to know reveals itself to me.no one is completely competent because perfection is a dream,hope and illusion.as i gain in experience, i gain in knowledge.
6.i repsect myself for everything that i am or not and for everything that i do or don't.it is all about the choices that i make. i can choose different.
7.i will never ever choose to give away my power.i have what it takes to be happy.i am "at cause" of the circumstances in my life,not "at effect".i take full responsibility and will do whatever it takes to become the person i want to be.
the list can grow endless.you continue.you know the way.you know best what YOU want.re-create and re-invent yourself.